Conquering Culture Shock
The “What” of Culture Shock
When you start your program abroad, you may feel like a fish out of water.
Newcomers, like you, sometimes might feel that you do not belong, and consequently, may feel alienated from the native members of the culture. If this happens, you may want to reject everything about the new environment, and glorify and exaggerate the positive aspects of your own culture.
The severity of culture shock depends on your personality, language ability, emotional support, and duration of stay. It is also influenced by the extent of the differences, either actual or perceived, between the two cultures. There are recognized periods of adjustment, and although the stages in the cycle do not always occur in the same order, and some stages may be skipped, the following pattern is a common one.
Stage 1: Honeymoon Period
Initially you may be fascinated and excited by everything new. You may experience elation to be in a new culture. Everything is wonderful and enchanting!
Stage 2: Culture Shock
You start to experience new obstacles, such as navigating housing, transportation, shopping, language, etc. Mental fatigue results from continuously straining to comprehend the foreign language. Complaints are the first symptoms.
Stage 3: Initial Adjustment
Everyday activities, such as housing and shopping are no longer major obstacles. Although you may not entirely understand the local language, basic words, ideas and feelings can be expressed.
Stage 4: Mental Isolation
At this point, you have now been away from your family and friends for a long period of time and you may start to feel lonely. You still feel you cannot express yourself in the host culture as well as you can in your native culture. Frustration and sometimes a loss of self-confidence result. Some individuals remain in this state but with an open mind, you can move past this stage.
Stage 5: Acceptance and Integration
A routine (i.e.- work, business or school) has been established. You accept the habits, customs, foods, and characteristics of the the new culture. You feel more comfortable with local friends, classmates, and culture of the country.
For further reading, we recommend InterNations Magazine: What is Culture Shock?
Don’t let culture shock rob you of an amazing experience abroad!
Below are several suggestions and techniques that you can use if you find yourself struggling with culture shock.
Hear it from an Alumna: Galina Fendikevich, Semester in Business and Economics, Prague, Fall 2015.
My biggest tip: leave America at the door. Leave the culture behind. Leave all preconceived notions of your host country behind. Leave your taste buds behind. Start fresh and truly immerse yourself in the new country. You will have to behave a little differently, eat differently, communicate differently, and be uncomfortable. It’s much easier if you don’t think, “This is not how we do it in the U.S.” and instead think, “I’m in someone else’s shoes, how do they live their life?”
Be patient
The act of acculturating is a process of adaptation to new situations; it takes time and give grace to yourself as you adjust.
Learn to be constructive
If you encounter an unfavorable environment, don’t put yourself in that position again. Learn from your experience and be easy on yourself.
Learn to include a regular form of physical activity in your daily or weekly routine.
This will help combat any frustration or loneliness in a constructive manner. Exercise, swim, take an aerobics class, etc. can all be productive activities.
Consider relaxation and meditation
These techniques are proven to be very positive for people who are undergoing periods of stress.
Maintain contact with loved ones back home
This will give you a feeling of belonging and will reduce your feelings of loneliness and alienation.
Make attempts at immersing in the new culture
Learn the language. Volunteer in community activities that allow you to practice the language that you are learning. This will help you feel less stressed about language, and useful at the same time.
Establish simple goals and evaluate your progress
Whether it is learning a new phrase in your new country’s language or navigating the transportation system, set a goal that is achievable, then move on to the next. Even the smallest successes can give you a great confidence boost.
Maintain confidence in yourself
Follow your ambitions and continue your plans for the future. You've already accomplished a lot so celebrate your wins and continuing celebrating your little and big wins along the way!