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Mail & Packages in Spain

How To Address Mail

Spanish addresses are more detailed than American addresses. A typical apartment address may include the stairwell, floor number, door number, and left or right to indicate which side of the building the apartment is on. Additionally, the street name comes before the building number.

Follow this format to send mail:

  • First Name , Last Name
  • Street Name, House Number, Stairwell, Floor, Door
  • Postal Code, City
  • Country

Helpful Abbreviations 

  • C/ (calle): street
  • Avda. (avenida): avenue 
  • Pso. (paseo): boulevard
  • Esc. (escalier): stairwell
  • izda. (izquierda): left
  • dcha. (derecha): right
  • º symbol (piso): floor


To send letters between Spain and the US use Global Forever Stamps for $1.45 each. Domestic stamps can also be used if they add up to $1.45. In Spain, stamps are easy to purchase from the post office, stationary stores, or tobacco shops. Sometimes stores that sell postcards will sell stamps also. 

Posting Letters

The final step after you addressed your letter and added postage is to put your letter in the mail. You can do this by going to a post office or dropping it in one of the yellow Correos mailboxes. These are found all over the city along the street. Screen Shot 2023-06-20 at 3.34.57 PM

Sending and Receiving Packages

While sending letters or postcards is simple, receiving packages while abroad is very expensive. WE DO NOT RECOMMEND THAT YOU RECEIVE PACKAGES IN SPAIN,  as the customs fees are very high and most items can be purchased in the country. It is more affordable to purchase items in Spain rather than paying custom import fees. If a package is sent from the USPS, you will pick it up at Correos, Spain's official postal service. 

 Only have packages sent in the case of an emergency and be prepared to wait up to three weeks and pay anywhere from 20-300€ in import fees.


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Like the United States Postal System, you can send and receive mail and parcels through Correos. Distinguishable by its bright yellow banner with blue details, Correos has over 40  offices and countless mailboxes where you can post letters that are scattered throughout Barcelona. 

While hours may vary depending on the location, Correos offices are open 8:30 am to 8:30 pm, excluding weekends and holidays. Some post offices may close after 1:00 for a siesta, so be sure to check your nearest Correos' hours online before going. Larger offices have a number system to serve each person. There will be a machine near the entrance where you can take a ticket. Then you wait for your number to pop up. To avoid long queues, it is best to go in the morning. 

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