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Health On-site


When living in a foreign country and in an unfamiliar city where you don’t speak the language, having to set up a doctor’s appointment can be frustrating and nerve-wracking. But don’t worry:  it’s much easier than you think.  MedinAction is an on-demand, English-speaking medical service that delivers a qualified doctor to a patient’s home, office or hotel, 24/7.

MedinAction has an agreement with CISI Insurance, so you won't need to pay anything out of pocket to receive care. MedInAction will bill your CISI insurance directly for the full amount.

Making an Appointment (In Case of Illness)

CIS Abroad students can book an appointment anytime with a physician through the Med in Action website, ​via the mobile app, WhatsApp, Facebook, phone, or SMS. You will have the opportunity to describe your symptoms to MedinAction to determine if you need an appointment during the booking process. 

Step One: Visit this website to book an appointment (house call doctor in Spain): Med in Action

Step Two: Select the date and time for your appointment and select 'BOOK NOW'

Step Three: Fill out all of the information and SELECT INSURANCE at checkout. They will contact you and ask for your CISI insurance. They will organize with you via WhatsApp or email, so make sure to check your spam just in case. 

Making an Appointment (For More Specific Cases)

In the case that you need to see a doctor for a non-emergency, but something more specific, or to see a specialist, you need to contact HM Delfos hospital via email. You can email them here: delfos@hminternationalbcn.com 


It is important to note that in Barcelona, it is common to first visit a pharmacist for minor health issues before seeing a doctor. Pharmacies, known as farmácias, not only offer medicine, but also other health and beauty products. The pharmacists are trained professionals who can provide advice on over-the-counter medication for minor aches and pains. However, it is important to read the information accompanying your medication, particularly if you have any drug allergies. Additionally, it is important to note that pills in Barcelona may come in different sizes than what is typical in the US, so it is important to pay attention to the recommended dosage.

Recommend Apps & Links

Download the free myCISI mobile app which is available for IPhone and Android phones. This app provides instant access to many features:

  • Email/view your travel insurance documents
  • Onscreen display of your ID card
  • Offline document availability
  • View country specific travel alerts and warnings
  • Learn more about the region you are traveling to, personal security assistance information, claim related help, etc.

Use the Farmacias de Guardia mobile app for IPhone or Android for information on the nearest open pharmacy.On Sundays, not all pharmacies may be open, but one will be designated in each neighborhood. You can check the closest open pharmacy by visiting your nearest pharmacy and checking the posted information.

Mental Health Resources

Local Councilors

CIS Abroad's included CISI Insurance covers up to $1000 worth of mental health counseling.

  • Esther Tapiz: The first three sessions with this Barcelona based therapist are covered by CISI Insurance.
    Website: www.esthertapiz.com
    Email: esther.tapiz@copc.cat
    Phone: +34 650 08 02 48
  • Hestía: This International Center of Psychologists is an excellent therapy resource. Skip paying upfront by contacting Clinica Sagrada Familia. They will provide paperwork and claim the payment.
  • Psychiatry: Please contact the Hospital Universitari Dexeus or Clinica Sagrada Familia to set up an appointment with a psychiatrist.

Let's Talk Program

Our “Let’s Talk” service provides easy access to informal confidential consultations with a counselor who knows students, and understands the unique pressures that students face when traveling, studying or interning abroad. You can book an appointment by clicking here   

If you would like to learn more about the CIS Abroad Let's Talk Program see more info here.


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