We want you to be prepared for your amazing travels to come. Naturally, you'll have a lot of questions, and so we have put together this guide to collect information for you all in one place. Before you depart please use this guide to learn more about your program location. When you're onsite this guide will help you explore the country that will be your home away from home and house all the important health and safety information you will need. If you want to start planning some independent adventures for your free time check out the bucket list items we've compiled and the tips.
But first let's talk navigation.
The search bar is your friend. Above each page you'll find a search bar that you can use to scan through this entire guide. Trying to find something fast? Type in some key words to get you going.
The guide is also organized into different sections with subsections.Tap the + next to each section to expand it. You'll see that we've added many topics for before you go, health and safety onsite, as well as program specific information.
Within the articles we've posted arelinksthat will be opened in a separate window to take you to other resources.
Navigation hint: no mater what the device you are using be sure tobookmark this guideso you can find it later.